Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin praised Chennai Super Kings captain MS Dhoni as the “adopted son of Tamil Nadu”. He expressed his hope that Dhoni will continue playing for the CSK beyond the IPL 2023 season. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin being greeted by cricketer MS Dhoni at the launch of Tamil Nadu Champions Foundation and Chief Minister's Trophy 2023 Logo in Chennai on Monday,(PTI)
Stalin inaugurated the Tamil Nadu Championship Foundation, which aims to discover more talents like MS Dhoni in various sports, as announced by the chief minister of Tamil Nadu. The new initiative by the sports department aims to promote sports through a public-private partnership. In just five days since its pre-launch on May 3, a total of ₹23.50 crore has been raised, including the contribution from the Tamil Nadu government.
“I am also a fan of MS Dhoni. Tamil Nadu's adopted son Dhoni should continue to play in CSK," Stalin said.
Besides Dhoni, ministers Udayanidhi Stalin, Thangam Tennaras and others participated in the event. Dhoni also launched the Tamil Nadu Champion Foundation website.
After releasing the theme song for the Chief Minister's Cup, Stalin said, “Like everyone in Tamil Nadu, I am a fan of MS Dhoni. Recently, I went to Chepauk stadium twice to watch the IPL. The reason for that is to watch Dhoni's batting. Tamil Nadu's adopted son Dhoni should continue to play for CSK. Dhoni, the darling of Chennai, is a role model for millions of youngsters.”
“Coming from a backward family, Dhoni has become a national icon due to his hard work. We want to produce many Dhonis from Tamil Nadu in all sports, not just cricket. I am very happy to start the Tamil Nadu Champions Foundation,” the CM added.
Responding to a plea made by his son and sports minister Udhayanidhi, Stalin announced a contribution of ₹5 lakh from his own funds towards the foundation.
Earlier, Udhayanidhi gave the assurance that he would take all efforts to make the state "a sports power of the Indian subcontinent". He exuded hope that the foundation would identify and nurture talent among youth in the state.
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