Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat Titans fast bowler Yash Dayal has said that he was not responsible for a post that was made on his Instagram stories which has since caused a furore on social media. The post had been deleted but not before its screenshot was widely shared on social media, with many on the platforms slamming him for spreading "hate speech". Dayal played five games for GT in IPL 2023(BCCI)
The posts had first been deleted after which Dayal posted a short statement clarifying that it doesn't reflect his personal beliefs. The 26-year-old later said in a longer statement that he has "reported the matter to the authorities", alleging that his account was hacked and he had not made the post. "There were two stories posted on my Insta handle today - both of which weren't done by me. I have reported the matter to authorities as I believe my account is being accessed by someone else and used for posting. I am trying to regain full control of my Instagram account. I respect all communities and the picture shared today does not reveal my true beliefs," he said.
Dayal's story was a cartoon in relation to the Shahbad Dairy murder case, in which a 16-year-old girl Sakshi was stabbed over 20 times before being bludgeoned with a cement slab by the accused Sahil Khan, eventually killing the victim on the spot. "Guy's [sic] apologies for the story it was just posted by mistake plz don't spread hate … I have respect for each & every community n society," Dayal had said in his intial statement after deleting the story.
Dayal played five matches for GT in IPL 2023 picking up two wickets. He was famously at the receiving end of KKR's Rinku Singh's onslaught, conceding five sixes in the last five balls of the match. GT thus sensationally lost the game and, incidentally, Dayal never played for GT again for the remainder of the season. Captain Hardik Pandya said that the left-armer fell ill and lost 6-8 kgs after the match.
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